
The CNU Confucius Institute at the University of Venice Was Invited to the Venice International Architectural Exhibition2021-10-22

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  At 17:30 on July 16 (Italian time), the parallel exhibition of the 17th Venice International Architectural Exhibition themed “The Changes of Enclosed Houses-A Dialogue about China’s Immigrant Buildings in Longnan, China” held its grand opening ceremony in Hall 30 of Art Zone of Marguela, Venice. Angelo Maggi, professor from IUAV, Tiziana Lippiello, president of the University of Venice, Ma Xiaohui, president of the Confucius Institute at the University of Venice, and Paola Mar, commissioner for culture and tourism of the Venice government were invited to attend and address the opening ceremony. They expressed their joy and appreciation for the successful holding of the exhibition and inspirational works of Chinese artists.

  The 2021 17th Venice International Architectural Exhibition themed “How Will We Live Together?”. The creation of “The Changes of Enclosed Houses” started in 2019. Hakka enclosed house is an important physical carrier of the Hakka culture and one of China’s 5 characteristic residential buildings. This work was selected for the exhibition due to its high consistency with the theme of the exhibition and attracted the attention of the international academic community. Many Chinese artists joined the exhibition with works about Hakka enclosed houses in Longnan, China, including Zhu Cheng, He Duoling, Ying Tianqi, Shi Jindian, Fu Zhongwang, Li Xiangming, Jiao Xingtao, Gu Xiong, Ye Fang, Li Qiang, Li Chuan and An Haifeng.

  More than 10 media platforms for art and architecture in Venice, Italy, such as the Architecture and Arts, the Venice News and the Art Magazine, paid close attention to the exhibition and made relevant reports. Among them, the Architecture and Arts, a famous academic journal in Venice, used 20 pages to publish the review article of Professor Angelo Maggi from IUAV, the Italian exhibition planner. The article, from the development history of human habitation and the construction method of Hakka enclosed houses in Longnan, China, thoroughly analyzed the special significance of “The Changes of Enclosed Houses” exhibition in this International Architectural Exhibition, and played an important role in the popularization of enclosed houses in Longnan, China. Besides, mainstream media platforms such as the People’s Daily and also reported on the exhibition, which attracted wide attention.
